Anti- Constipation Medicine

by | Jan 25, 2021 | general | 0 comments

Medications to treat constipation include stool softeners, lubricants, laxatives, bulk-forming agents (fibres). In some cases, an over-the-counter formulation can do the trick while others need prescription medicine.  

No doubt, lifestyle changes such as getting more fibre in your diet, drinking enough water and being physically active are usually the key steps to treat constipation. You can also check with your health care specialist about the other treatment options if they do not work.    

Data suggests that constipation affects 14% of the adult population globally, majorly women and cause a significant impact on health-related quality of life.  

Lifestyle Modifications On Priority

The initial management of constipation involves lifestyle modifications and ensure regular bowel movement. Also, identifying the patients who need psychological support should consideration because constipation may worsen by stress or may be triggered by any emotional disturbance. Those dealing with constipation should keep regular time for defecation, use proper sitting positions, and monitor their bowel movements by maintaining a diary. This helps to assess and direct treatment interventions. Primary treatment includes dietary modifications which involve intake of high fibre diet, fruits, and water intake. Although enough water intake is of benefit for treating constipation, there is no evidence to support whether fluid intake may appear to improve chronic constipation. Dietary modifications include a high fibre diet; enough water and fruits intake may improve the condition.

Treatment for Constipation

When over the counter preparations do not improve constipation symptoms, then Laxatives can be considered to manage the condition. The choice of laxative depends on the condition of the patient.  For decades, constipation has been associated with deficiency of fibre. Dietary fibre appears to be effective in relieving mild to moderate condition, but not effective against severe constipation. For an adult, the recommended amount of dietary fibre is 20 to 25 gm per day. The target can be obtained from whole wheat bread, citrus fruits, unrefined cereals, and vegetables. Insoluble fibre may cause abdominal bloating and has been associated with stomach discomfort.  Insoluble fibre such as cereal bran may also depress appetite. Patients dealing with constipation must be encouraged to drink enough water and maintain hydration, especially when increasing fibre intake.

There are a variety of medicines to choose from for getting relief from chronic constipation. Some are over the counter preparations, and others require doctor’s prescription. A lot of people start with products they can purchase without a prescription. You may take your doctor’s help when choosing the right over the counter product for you. You may choose from the following:

  • Fibre Supplements- They work by absorbing water to help form bulky stools to get your bowel going. Be sure to drink enough water while taking a fibre supplement. Some people may experience bloating and pain in their belly. Hence, it is always best to use eve a fibre supplement under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Stimulants– Stimulants are especially considered in severe cases of constipation. It works better when other drugs have not worked. They cause your intestine to squeeze, which allow a thing to get moving in your stomach. Discuss with your doctor about the common stimulants that may be ideal for your condition. Avoid overuse of stimulant laxatives.
  • Osmotics– They help draw water into your large intestine to soften your stool. For, some patients, it may cause cramping, nausea, and diarrhoea. An adult with heart disease or kidney impairment must consult his/her doctor before taking osmotic.
  • Stool softeners- You might use a good quality stool soften to avoid straining when you have a movement, like after surgery. They are considered best for short term use. They pull water from your intestine to soften your stool. You can easily find these agents on a chemist store.

Almost everyone experience constipation at some point in their lives. Serious complications can result from untreated constipation; therefore, treatment of the chronic condition is a must. If lifestyle changes, home remedies and over the counter preparations do not provide the desired results, speak to your doctor about prescription medicines to help regulate your bowel movements. you can order anti-constipation medicine online from premiumrxdrugs at best price.

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