Our strict schedule is the biggest hurdle towards achieving body fitness. Busy at work? Well, you don’t need an hour to workout. Aim for ten or five minute workout everyday and achieve best fitness...
Max Jones
Tips to help you keep the New Year’s resolution of weight loss
It's the end of the year again, and the New Year awaits your plans, progress, and prosperity. It is that time of the year when the New Year resolutions are made and sustained. This year, stop the...
Male Genital Problems and Injuries
Male genital problems, subsequent symptoms, and injuries can easily occur as the scrotum and penis do not have any bone protection. Though severe pain occurs during a genital injury, it usually...
How to prevent influenza
Flu is a contagious disease which is caused by infection by the Influenza virus. It is very important to prevent flu. The most important step in flu prevention is making sure that you get yourself...
Aspartame- A Sweet Poisoned World
People search for multiple options to stay fit. The most effective way is to cut down your sugar intake. Doing this can help people lessen their chances of getting diabetes and becoming overweight...
Ebola disease has been quick in making to news worldwide. Look up your news feed and you will find at least one disease related article every alternate day: new outbreaks, strategy reassessment to...
Home Remedies to Alleviate Asthma Symptoms
Latest statistics show that nearly 17 million people in the US have asthma, which is 2.5 million more people than the past five years. Causes of asthma can be identified and the condition can be...
Remedies to Improve Nasal Congestions
Stuffy nose or nasal congestion is among the oldest and most common health complaints. It causes a lot of discomfort during sleeping hours. Sometimes, it is caused by a common cold, whereas at other...
How Smoking Affects Your Health?
Cigarettes contain about 10 milligrams of nicotine, which is an addictive drug that is responsible for stimulating different parts of the brain. Research conducted on some smokers has proved that...
What are the Symptoms and Causes of Glandular Fever?
Glandular fever is a kind of viral infection that mostly affects young adults. It is not a severe health condition but can be unpleasant and last several weeks. The symptoms are mild and can be...