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Best Treatment for Melasma

Skin discolouration is a very common condition. Many of us often ignore them as they are not affecting our health while some of us are too busy to worry about our skin imperfections. But when we spend a few minutes in front of the mirror; we often think why these unwanted pigmented spots have suddenly appeared on our face. These pigmented spots are generally known as melasma. This page will help you to understand everything about melasma.

What is Melasma?

Our skin is pigmented due to melanin. People with fair complexion tend to have less melanin as compared to those with darker skin. We all have sun increase melanin in our skin, also melanocytes, the cells that produced melanin can be affected by hormonal balance, ageing, genetics, pregnancy, and products that irritate the skin.

How can you treat Melasma?

The best approach is recognizing why the skin becomes discoloured. Is it due to the natural ageing process, certain hormone imbalance, sun damage, etc.? Once you know the cause of pigmentation patches, then you can choose the best treatment that suits your skin condition. Here are some treatment methods for melasma:

  1. Treatment with Prescription Medications
  1. Professional Procedures for Melasma Treatment
  1. Treating Melasma with Home Remedies
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