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Erectile Dysfunction Treatment and Medication

Men who find difficulty in getting or keeping the hard enough erection generally suffer from Erectile Dysfunction (ED) problem. This problem is also called as impotence, and it is characterized by the inability to develop or maintain penis erection during sexual activity in humans.

The brain sends signals to penis via nerves and then erection caused by sexual arousal. Neurological disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and side effects of some drugs are the factors which lead to ED. Psychological reason is also a reason behind importance, though it is rare but can be cured with the help of psychotherapy.


Various factors can lead to erectile dysfunction issue but the lifestyle is one of the important reasons behind impotence. Unhealthy lifestyle leads to erectile dysfunction. Some other factors which lead to impotence are as followed:

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

According to a disease, there are various treatments are available for treating erectile dysfunction. For different cause, a different erectile dysfunction treatment is followed. Men aged above 40 years can overcome this disease by making a regular exercise practice and following a healthy lifestyle. People, who smoke, should stop or less the smoking habits and they can experience the change in few days.

Some drugs and therapeutic devices also help in the treatment of ED and this is followed by drug injections into the penis. Penile implants are also there to treat impotence. Some methods are described are here below-

Drug Therapy

Alternative Medicine:

There are various alternative medicines or natural methods for treating sexual dysfunction disorders. PDE-5 (phosphodiesterase-5) inhibitor is a group of drug that men can take. These pills come in various brands and dosages. The pill can be taken 1 hour before the sexual activity. Some reliable and best-known pills come in:

  1. Generic Viagra
  2. Sildenafil Citrate
  3. Tadalafil 20mg
  4. Vardenafil

There are some other natural potential treatments for treating ED and they include, zinc supplements, the herb Ashwagandha