Eye Injuries Affecting your Daily Life

by | Sep 17, 2014 | Eye Care | 0 comments

Whenever an eye injury occurs, visit the ophthalmologist before it gets too late. Eye injuries affect more than 2.5 million people annually, and about 90% of these injuries can be prevented using appropriate eyewear. Some eye injuries due to accidents could even cause permanent eye damage.

What is an eye injury?

Eye injuries can range from very minor, like getting soap in one’s eye, to catastrophes that may result in permanent loss of vision or loss of an eye. They can occur anywhere, i.e., in the workplace, at home, in an accident, or while participating in or playing any sport. It is important to recognize an eye injury on time so that treatment can be done immediately.

Types of eye injuries

Different types of eye injuries may affect your everyday life. It is important to know about their symptoms, causes, and treatment.

  1. Corneal Abrasions– Corneal abrasions is an injury to the cornea covering the front of an eye. The injury commonly occurs in children, and a small abrasion occurs when these objects come in contact with the eye surface. Foreign bodies in the eye, like dirt, pebbles, or insects, may cause corneal abrasions, whereas a scratch from a toy or fingernail sometimes also leads to corneal abrasions. The symptoms of the injury may include:
    • Pain in the affected area
    • Profuse tearing
    • Pain while looking at some lighted object or light
    • Excessive linking of the affected eye

Sometimes, the symptoms of corneal abrasions may be similar to other eye conditions or injuries, so it is always preferable to consult a doctor and know the cause. If something is in the eye, a doctor can examine it and use eye stain to see the cornea’s surface. Do not try to rub or remove anything from the cornea yourself; a doctor can safely remove it without any harm.

  1. Chemical burns– Chemical eye injuries occur when any chemical enters the eye. Immediate medical care is needed in this case. Chemical burns may lead to loss of vision and sometimes loss of an eye, too. Eye injuries caused by chemicals also occur when exposed to concentrated aerosols and fumes. Alkali burns have low pH chemicals that cause high pH, acid burns, and irritants like pepper spray have neutral pH, which are the three types of chemical burns. Symptoms of chemical burns are:
  1. Pain in eye
  2. Eye irritation
  3. Redness
  4. Swelling in eyelids
  5. Tearing

In this type of eye injury, the doctor would wash your eyes and ensure that your eye gets thoroughly cleaned. It depends on the chemical involved; he may test the eye’s pH and continue washing until it returns to normal. The doctor would wipe the irritant from the eye and may also use anesthetic medicated eye drops and eye medicine to make washing less painful.

  1. Hyphema– Hyphema refers to the condition where blood gets collected in the anterior eye chamber, blocking vision completely or partially. Hyphema is caused by eye trauma followed by increased pressure inside the eye. Common symptoms may include:
    1. Blood in front of the eye
    2. Pain
    3. Blurred or clouded vision
    4. Light sensitivity

No treatment is required in mild cases, but immediate medical assistance could be required in severe conditions. The blood usually gets absorbed in a few days, but when bleeding does not stop, visit your health care specialist. He would advise you for bed rest and may provide some sedative eye medicines and drops to reduce pressure inside the eye.

  1. Bruising or Black eye– Ecchymosis is a common name for black eye, which occurs from some eye injury. It causes tissue around the eye to be bruised, producing the characteristic blue-black discoloration. Fractures deep inside the skull also cause black eyes in both eyes. People with black eyes get signs like bruising and swelling of eyelids and soft tissue around the injured part. When the bruise improves, it becomes green or yellow before disappearing. The treatment for a black eye would include using ice on the affected area, bed rest, and medication named ibuprofen, as prescribed by a doctor.
  1. Fracture of the orbit – The bony structure around the eye is the orbit; when the bones around the eye break, it is called orbital fracture. The bones break when something hits or strikes the face. Fractures of the orbit floor (blowout fracture) are common, but sometimes other parts of the orbit also fracture, and in some cases, the eyeball gets damaged too. Symptoms like bruising, swelling around the eye, double vision, and numbness of the cheek, nose, or teeth are common in blowout fractures. Surgery is required when the condition worsens; otherwise, antibiotics are given to treat the infection and reduce pain.

Preventive measures to avoid eye injuries

Eye injuries very frequently occur at the rate of more than 1000 each day, causing 100000 cases of disability and leading to permanent and temporary loss of vision. Eye injuries can be prevented by following some preventive measures at home, in the workplace, or at play.

At home

  • Always wash your hands after using household chemicals
  • Provide lights and handrails in the staircase area
  • Keep spray nozzles at a distance from the face
  • Use chemical safety goggles while working with dangerous solvents and detergents at home.
  • Paints, pesticides, and fertilizers should be placed in the secured area
  • Wear UV-protective sunglasses
  • Avoid looking directly at the sun
  • Safely remove bottle caps of wine or any beverage so that it does not hurt your eye.
  • Use guards on every power equipment.
  • Ensure no sharp corners are on the edges of furnishing and home fixtures.
  • Always remove eye products and makeup like liner and kajal before bed.

At work

  • Always wear work-related protective gear
  • Make use of proper lightening
  • Always make your computer monitor and video screen clean and devoid of fingerprints and dirt.
  • Try to take frequent breaks and avoid fatigue
  • Wear glasses or contact lenses with the correct prescription

At play or with children

  • Let your child play with appropriate toys for his age and activity level.
  • Do not let your child play with projectile toys like pellet guns, bows, and arrows.
  • Wear recommended eye gear at sports and recreational activities
  • Stay with your child while he uses sharp objects related to art and crafts
  • During sports and activities, wear a helmet with a polycarbonate face mask
  • Keep your distance from items in playgrounds that could pose a threat to the eye
  • Keep your child away from fireworks
  • At the school, advise your child to wear protective eyewear while performing laboratory experiments.
  • Keep hazardous articles, cleaning supplies, and sprays away from children’s reach.
  • Keep your child away from lawnmowers, as dust or debris may be projected into the air.

One must follow preventive measures while working or at home because several people experience eye problems yearly from work-related eye injuries. Be careful and protect your eyes to keep your vision healthy and strong throughout life.

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Amelia Smith

Nutritionist, herbalist, health and medicine writer and yoga enthusiast, Amelia Smith, is a professional in the health, nutrition and diet industry.

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