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First understand and then treat asthmatic bronchitis

Asthmatic Bronchitis

The inflammation of airways is referred as asthmatic bronchitis. This condition causes a great difficulty in breathing and the person may find it difficult to take breath easily.

When we breathe, the air travels down through some airways to lungs, after that it passes into the blood and then body’s tissues. In medical term, these airways are called bronchial tubes. These tubes have to be relaxed and open for the easier passage of air while any interruption or inflammation in the airways could cause shortage supply of the oxygen.

Bronchitis and asthma, the difference:

There is a bit difference between bronchitis and asthma. Bronchitis represents an acute condition in which tightened passageways occurs due to bacterial infections. Whereas, asthma is chronic bronchitis triggered by the exposure to several external irritants like dust, chemical, smoke and poisonous gasses mingled in the environment. In this condition, we witness more wheezing and cough, as our lungs try to draw more oxygen through inflamed airways.

Causes of asthmatic bronchitis:

Environmental smoke and toxic materials seem to be the major causes of the abnormalities in airways. Lung infection is the primary cause of acute bronchitis, and its repeated attack leads the symptoms of chronic bronchitis. There are many other factors for causing asthmatic bronchitis, such as:

• Air irritants

• Contact of chemical substance

• Certain hard medications

• Pre-existing lung disease

• Allergens such as mold, pollen, dust and pet dander

• Hard physical exercise • Cold weather condition

• Strong emotions

The long-term cigarette smoking severely irritates bronchial tubes, while a higher concentration of sulfur and carbon dioxide poses the threat to the airways.

Symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis:

Chronic asthmatic bronchitis is not included under typical contagious disease. Different individuals witness different symptoms of bronchitis. It largely depends on the severity of the infection. Some of its common symptoms are:

• Cough

• Wheezing

• Soreness and tightness in chest

• Excess production of mucus

• Trouble breathing

• Mild pain below breastbone during deep breathing

Treatments of bronchitis and asthma:

The diagnosis of bronchitis is typically based on the symptoms and medical history, and its presence is confirmed by the test of phlegm producing a cough. In many cases, tests are conducted for the pulmonary function to examine the condition of airflow in the lungs. A chest x-ray test is also recommended before starting bronchitis medications. There is a basic difference in treatments for asthma and bronchitis. Asthma is a more complicated and it requires certain tests to examine the nature of obstructions in the airways as well as reversibility of airflow. The acute case of bronchitis requires long-term medications as viral infection needs intense treatments that may include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, bronchodilators (they help clear excess mucus), pulmonary hygiene techniques, and postural drainage diagnosis.

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Some simple home measures are fairly recommended for treating asthmatic bronchitis. These measures include:

• Avoid smoke and air pollution • Longer body rest • More drinking of fluid materials • Oral steroids to decrease inflammation • Breathing exercise • Inhaled bronchodilator • Supplemental oxygen

The risk of asthmatic bronchitis is reduced by following some steps like:

• Annual flu vaccines or pneumococcal at early age

• Keep your surroundings clean and try to prevent any possible infections

Avoid smoking and keep yourself away second-hand smoke to prevent asthma

• Keep pets away from the bedroom

• Undergo regular check-ups and take prescribed medicines, even if you are normal

Some asthmatic bronchitis medications are divided into long-term and short-term treatments. The long-term bronchitis control measures include immunomodulators, which are injected into the people who are not able to control allergy-induced asthma, and inhaled corticosteroids. On the other hand, some short-acting beta agonists are available to provide quick relief from an asthma attack.

You can also consider some specific treatment such as intake of analgesic medicines, antibiotic therapy, metered-dose inhaler or bronchodilators, chest physical therapy, oxygen therapy, and the use of humidifier for both asthma and bronchitis.

Also Read: Know your Bronchitis condition and Treat it

There are many home treatments that you must try for reducing the severity of bronchitis. Some of these specific natural treatments are:

• The strong antimicrobials herbs like ginger, peppermint, garlic clove and cinnamon tea should regularly be taken

• Mustard paste layer and turmeric provide natural supplements

• A natural antibiotic like colloidal silver can kill viruses, bacteria, and fungi, and at the same time, it provides faster healing to the wounded airways

• The antiviral and antibacterial properties of honey offer can reduce inflammation in airways and strengthen immune system

• Eucalyptus oil helps soften the mucus and, its antibacterial properties smoothen respiratory system



Like any other infection-induced diseases, asthmatic bronchitis is also quite difficult to detect at an early stage, so better treatment is required to nip it in the bud. The deteriorating ecological system and pollutions are very strong reasons for inviting bronchitis. Therefore, it becomes necessary to live a healthy and more natural lifestyle that not only make you stronger from inside but help to adjust with the environment too.


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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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