Generic Finasteride vs Propecia

by | Sep 7, 2018 | hair loss | 0 comments

When it comes to treating the progression of hair pattern baldness, we tend to try various options if not satisfied with one. The use of Finasteride and Propecia is pretty common to reverse the trend of hair fall to a good extent. Many people wonder if both of these solutions are the same and should they stick to one of them or can interchange. Well, in terms of medicinal effect, both Finasteride and Propecia are almost similar. Here is a brief description of the formulation and effects of both the products.

The problem of male pattern baldness:

Hair loss in men is basically a result of androgenic alopecia in which men eventually lose 60-70% of hair stands, and this condition seems to be irreversible. Pattern baldness can be caused by the genetic inheritance, environmental factors, hormonal disorder, malnutrition, medication, and/or illness. Hair loss in men begins with hair thinning and receding hairline from front area and it gradually progresses to create a bald surface. It looks like the area of baldness becomes wider and wider over years.

A genetic mutation of hair follicles is caused by the deficiency of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase and deficiency dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Male pattern baldness is broadly caused due to the conversion of hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone that affects the hair follicles, weakening them to fall easily. Genes of a man determine how rapidly and how early hair fall begins. Propecia 1mg is an effective remedy to reverse this trend.

How Propecia Works?

Propecia is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor that can reduce the levels of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. Less production of this enzyme means less conversion of testosterone dihydrotestosterone. Therefore, hair follicles are neither so weakened nor shrunken. Furthermore, the reduction in the incident of follicles’ shrinking would help them remain healthy and naturally thick.

In a clinical trial, finasteride 1 mg was administered on some people with mild to moderate hair loss and they did show satisfactory result by successfully retaining the existing hair strands, whereas some people who were not given this drug showed wider hair pattern baldness within the same period.

The differences between Propecia and Finasteride:

Propecia is an anti-hair fall drug manufactured by Merck. It is widely recommended for the treatment of male pattern baldness. It has finasteride as an active ingredient. One tablet of finasteride 1 mg is a bit different from its brand name Propecia that contains various inactive ingredients including finasteride. The effect of Propecia and Proscar is almost the same and both of them have this ingredient. Some generic anti-hair fall drugs have 5 mg and some have 1.25 mg of finasteride in one tablet. If you break down the active ingredients of Propecia and Proscar, finasteride remains the same in different dosages.

Similarities between Propecia and Finasteride:

Finasteride can be formulated along with various inactive ingredients and sold as a generic medication to prevent the progression of male hair pattern baldness. Propecia contains 1 mg finasteride. Users can switch from Propecia 1 mg to generic finasteride and there will not be much difference in their effects. It is recommended to take only one drug at the same time. In some cases, users can take finasteride and the topical medication minoxidil (Rogaine) to combat dandruff. If you are satisfied with the result of Propecia, there is no need to change the medication to prevent hair loss.

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