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Migraine awareness is as important as the treatment

A migraine is a painful experience or a type of a headache that we usually witness while coping with the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Today’s fast-paced life demands you to have proper migraine awareness to treat it well.

Those who are more sensitive to light and sound, as well as environmental pollution, develop a form of a headache in a certain area of the head. It seems that every other person is suffering from a migraine, but the important thing to know about migraine is that its effects are progressive in nature. When migraine reaches the severe stage, it can make you mentally disturbed and pulsating. The migraine patients are seen relieving themselves in the loneliness or lying in the dark room, living cut off from personal and public affairs. In the United States alone, there are more than 30 million migraine patients; it simply indicates that higher the rush in life makes more victims of a migraine.

Symptoms of a migraine:

The signs and symptoms of a migraine often arise in the age of adolescence if you can recognize them. On the basis of symptoms, migraine can be divided into two categories as ‘migraine with aura’ and ‘migraine without aura’.

A migraine with aura or a classic headache starts with certain neurologic changes like visual disturbance – in which you see an aura or jagged line around the visual field – numbness, shiver, and acute headache. The attack of temporary paralysis is also possible, that’s why the lack of migraine awareness or knowledge may make the condition more critical.

On the other hand, migraine without aura is very common, accounting almost 80% of migraine cases. Its patients witness fatigue, irritation, mental lethargy, and dizziness. Some more symptoms like nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, eye pain, excess sweating and increased urination are also registered in the cases of a migraine.

Probably, migraines progress through four stages – Prodrome, aura, pain (a headache) and post drone. But, these phases are not applicable for all.

Causes of a migraine:

There are many factors responsible for triggering the waves of a migraine, some are known but some aspects are still unknown. In women, the disturbed menstrual cycles can invite a migraine, while some birth control pills can cause a severe headache. Your exposure to strong stimuli including bright lights, polluted environment, loud noises, heavy crowd and strong smells makes it conducive for a migraine attack.

A combination of environmental, physical and genetic factors can trigger a migraine. Don’t ignore psychological conditions such as bipolar disorder, depression, mental pressure, anxiety and mental phobias that create more tension and thereby resulting migraine. Some specific cases of a migraine show that gene disorders, fluctuations in some neurotransmitters, and chemicals create neurologic disorder.

Also Read: Migraines and Headaches- Causes, Triggers and Remedies

Risk factors for a migraine:

Genetic factors of a migraine are found to be high in effects, but many of the risk factors are still being explored. These risk factors enhance the purview of migraine awareness as more people are expected to come under it. Some of these risk factors include:

• Alcohol drinking • Eating foods rich in monosodium glutamate (MSG) • Poor living conditions • High consumption of caffeine (coffee, tea, colas) • Use of oral contraceptive • Less sleeping hours • Medications • Hormonal changes • Sex • Age • Hunger or missed meals • Stress in job and personal life • Changes in attitude

Diagnosis of a migraine:

The treatment process of a migraine headache starts with the assessment of your family medical history. Doctor records all possible symptoms your witness, physical and neurological examination are conducted to ascertain the real factors and severity level of a migraine. Your doctor may recommend some specific tests like blood test, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT) scan, and spinal tap (lumbar puncture) examination.

Experts recommend certain preventive treatments that include nutritional supplements, medications, lifestyle changes and surgery. Medications vary with the level and frequency of a migraine.

The medicines of a migraine fall into two categories. (I) Abortive treatments are given in an acute migraine headache, and (II) preventive measures are offered to diagnose mild or regular waves of a migraine.

Abortive and preventive medication:

Abortive medications include several OTC medicines like aspirin, naproxen or acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and a combination of caffeine and aspirin. Serotonin agonist agents such as Zolmitriptan, Rizatriptan, Rizatriptan, Naratriptan, Sumatriptan, and Almotriptan can mitigate a headache. Some vasoconstrictors are also useful to reduce a migraine. Similarly, some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended in the matter about migraine and other body pains.

Some of the preventive medications for a migraine headache include Tricyclic, anti-depressants, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, and anticonvulsants. You can also try magnesium drugs, Divalproex sodium, vitamin B2, and vasodilators to combat a migraine.

Home methods to treat migraine:

The non-drug or natural measures are also effective to diagnose a migraine. The home measures are the basic of migraine awareness campaign. Such measures include:

• Regular exercise • Psychological counselling • Lifestyle changes • Behavioural treatments • Healthy


The increasing levels of pollution and changes in social structure bring about some physical and mental complexities that you have to handle while dealing with your business, office, and personal relations. Changes in environment invite more tension that simply emanates a migraine. It’s high time to spread migraine awareness in every age group, to take the medical and lifestyle remedies. So, that you don’t crumble in the wake of the rush all the way.

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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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