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Natural Treatments for Erectile dysfunction

Natural Treatments for Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is sexual dysfunction, characterized by the inability of a man to attain or sustain an erection of the penis during sexual activity. The process is triggered by the signals transmitted from the brain to nerves in the penis. It may cause stress, relationship problems or affect your self-confidence.

A recent study addresses the overall prevalence of the disease in men aged below 20 years as 18.4%, suggesting that erectile dysfunction affects 18 million men in the US. It is also known to affect older men, particularly above 40 years of age!

Signs and symptoms of ED

Having erection trouble from time to time isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. But if erectile dysfunction is an ongoing problem, then it is definitely a symptom of ED. An individual suffering from ED can encounter the following conditions:

Why the problem is caused?

Erectile dysfunction can stem out of various reasons. The major reason behind dysfunction is blood not reaching properly to the penis and blood flow can be impaired due to the following reasons:


A complete physical examination is required to uncover signs and the reasons for erectile dysfunction. A doctor may ask for certain blood tests, measuring testosterone and cholesterol levels or duplex ultrasound scan which determines the underlying reason of erectile dysfunction. Apart from that, other tests are also done to evaluate the reason behind the condition.

Treatment options of ED

There are different ways of treating impotency. Medicinal and surgical interventions are as stated below:

Natural Treatments for ED

For a long time, humans have tried many forms of natural remedies for erectile dysfunction. The scientific effects of many drugs and medications are not known or haven’t been scientifically proven, Therefore, you can follow these remedies:

Home Remedies: There are some home remedies also which could be tried in lieu of commercial medications to bolster sex life:

No matter what erectile dysfunction treatment is decided upon, experts also suggest that your diet should be healthy and nutritious. It is important to avoid smoking, overeating and increased alcohol consumption. other methods are also available in the market for ED treatment; some best ED drugs are in the market like

 If you found this article helpful, do share it with your friends, particularly your male buddies! Also, post comments in case you have any health-related queries.

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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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