The decision to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) based on the severity of symptoms and the patient’s tolerance for his symptoms. The symptoms are classified into mild, moderate, and severe categories.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a non-cancerous disease associated with an enlarged prostate. The condition is very common in elderly males. Since the prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the symptoms are usually associated with urination. These symptoms weaken the urinary system and include:
- Increased frequency meany, a man, needs to urinate more often
- The need to urinate multiple time, particularly in the night
- Urinary urgency means a sudden need to urinate
- Having difficulty starting to urinate
- Leaking of urine
- Pain while urinating
- A feeling of not emptying the bladder even after urination
In some cases, BPH can progress and to the inability to urinate, which required immediate medical attention as it can result in kidney failure or bladder injury.
The prostate enlarges to some degree in all men, but not all men require treatment. An enlargement of the prostate requires both ageing and the presence of androgens (a male sex hormone).
Role of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
DHT is believed to be a necessary mediator of prostate tissue. DHT is produced by the metabolism of testosterone by 5alpha reductase. Treatment with drugs that can inhibit 5 alpha-reductase lower DHT levels and prevent the abnormal growth of the prostate. Proscar 5mg containing Finasteride is one such drug, which belongs to the group of drugs known as 5 alpha reductase inhibitors. The drug works by inhibiting 5 alpha-reductase, which reduces the levels of DHT in the body and this ultimately cause a reduction in the size of the prostate.
Mechanism of Action of Proscar in BPH
Proscar is known to be the most effective agents for the short-term treatment of BPH. The rapid onset of action is to relax prostatic muscles. The medication has been found to decrease symptoms by 30 to 40%. It has been found to increase the urinary flow rate and other associated symptoms.
How Well Proscar Works?
The primary effect of this 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor is to reduce the size of the prostate gland in men. Finasteride 5mg in Proscar has been found to increase cell death in prostatic cells and decrease the size of the gland. The drug is extremely effective in patients with large prostates.
Many clinical studies indicate the therapeutic dose of Proscar reduces symptoms by 20 to 30%. The changes in BPH symptoms include:
- Reduced prostatic volume
- Increased maximal urinary flow rates
These effects are maintained for more than four years, and their use decreases the need for surgery as well as the risk of acute urinary retention.
It may take 6 to 12 months before symptom improvement is noticeable. The medication reduces the size of the prostate. But this doesn’t mean you always get relief from symptoms. Finasteride will not give satisfactory results in every case. When you discontinue the treatment, symptoms may return. The medications are not meant for people those who do not have an enlarged prostate. Taking Finasteride is a long-term commitment to prevent the symptoms from returning.
The medicine should not be used by a man who plans to become a father because there is a chance that the medicine could cause a congenital disability.