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Smoking Cessation Guidelines

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Smoking is the leading cause of death in developing countries. About half of all smokers die of a smoking-related illness. Many smokers are willing to quit, but unfortunately very few can do so.

Stopping smoking is the single most important step that smokers can take to enhance their quality of lives. To quit tobacco use and to stay fit, you need to know what you are up against, what the treatment options available to you are, and where you need to go for help. You will find all smoking cessation like Smoking Cessation Guidelines- Champix Starter Pack-related information here. However, these guidelines are not intended to serve as a standard of your health care specialist’s advice. Standards of medical care are determined by all clinical data and medical history of an individual (a smoker who wants to quit) and are subject to change depending on the clinical response.

Smoking is responsible for causing risk factors for various health issues including: