After trying to conceive for a long time, most women take the help of an infertility specialist and go through the options available to achieve pregnancy. Many treatment options are available, like...
buy HCG Injections
How long does it take for the HCG injection to get out of your body?
The HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and it is used for the normal development of an egg in woman’s ovary and stimulates the release of the egg during ovulation. HCG is the hormone which...
HCG for Infertility – Myths & Facts
The application of the HCG injections to treat infertility is not new but its success is not 100% guaranteed. In fact, people do not think commonly about the use of HCG (human chorionic...
Fertility medicines are the first step of a treatment for the many infertile women in the world. The physician generally prescribes fertility medications to these women to increase their chances of...
HCG Injections for Weight Loss
HCG is a natural hormone which is present in the urine of pregnant women. It is evident that when isolated, HCG can even out your metabolism and stimulate your body’s abilities to burn fat which...