Tretinoin Cream Reviews

by | Mar 22, 2018 | Acne | 0 comments

Tretinoin cream is prescribed for improving skin that is affected by acne vulgaris and for treating other skin conditions including hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and brown spots. It improves the skin’s appearance by allowing old and impure skin cells to be removed so that news skin cell comes to the surface, thereby leaving the skin softer and smoother.

Tretinoin is clinically approved to reduce acne formation and improve the appearance of blemished skin. Most of the customers are surprised by the benefits of this product.

Experiences  with Tretinoin

Tretinoin is a strong pharmaceutical agent and therefore should be used with extra care. Some users experienced side effects with the medication. These side effects include itching, red facial skin, dryness, or flaking of the skin. If your side effects are severe, try applying the topical preparation less often, for instances, every second day instead of applying daily. If the reduction does not help, consult your dermatologist. In some users, the acne or other skin issues got worse at the beginning of the treatment. This doesn’t mean you need to stop using the medication. For a first few weeks of the Tretinoin cream therapy, your acne may get a little worse, or they look really bad before they get better. For more information, you can also check the patient leaflet that comes with the medication. You should apply it on a regular basis as it is prescribed to you. Carefully follow the instructions given by your dermatologist.

Tips for Tretinoin users

Tretinoin preparation should be applied with extra care. Here are some important tips that a user may need to remember while applying the cream:

  • Always apply the cream to the clear skin, wash your face with a mild soap or water before application.
  • Wait for at least half an hour for the cream to dry before applying another product such as moisturizer, or makeup.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure, tanning booths, and sunbeds after applying Tretinoin cream. The topical retinoid makes your skin more sensitive to ultraviolet rays. It is always best to apply the cream at night before bedtime so the medication can work while you are asleep.

Tretinoin cream is as effective at keeping acne at bay. A large number of users found it less irritating. Stick with this Vitamin A treatment to get rid of common skin problems. The formula is gentler than other acne treatments available in the market. It is a prescription product, so everyone who wishes to buy this online, need to visit their dermatologist for the prescription.

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