Tretinoin for Acne Treatment

by | May 20, 2019 | Acne | 0 comments

Tretinoin plays a crucial role in the treatment of acne because it can inhibit the formation of microcomedones as well as inflammatory lesions. Acne is a common disease affecting 80 to 85% adolescents worldwide, and around 15 to 30% requires intense medical treatment. Tretinoin recommendation is useful to obtain the best results in most cases of acne vulgaris.

The dermatologist has consistently prescribed tretinoin treatment for most patients with acne. The efficacy is based on evidence from research studies that the drug that has the working mechanism that directly targets acne and reduces its appearance. Tretinoin cream is considered effective in controlling acne breakouts because it is active against comedones and inflammatory lesions. It has been a mainstay of acne treatment for 25 years. The drug supplies in the form of different concentrations including 0.025%, 0.05%, and 0.1%. All are effective as single agents for treating mild to moderate acne, but its efficacy and tolerability differs. Tretinoin contains retinoids that are the core of topical therapy for acne because they are comedolytic, anti-inflammatory, and allow stubborn acne for clearance of skin.

How Tretinoin Treat Acne?

There are several approached to control acne. Some products contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide which works to open clogged pores. However more severe cases, topical or oral antibiotics in combination with pore cleansers are used to achieve control over acne. Tretinoin preparation works differently. The topical cream contains retinoids which are derivatives of vitamin A and are considered extremely effective in treating blackheads and whiteheads. Its regular applications promote the production of new skin cells and elimination of dead skin cells out, unclogging the blocked pores. This helps in preventing the formation of new blackheads and whiteheads. Tretinoin medication is marketed under the brand name Retino A cream which is one of the best-selling retinoid formulations worldwide. The product supplies in the form of both cream and gels. It is believed that Tretinoin creams are less potent than gels. Irritation may occur; therefore, precautions must be taken when starting the treatment. Use of Tretinoin also increases the risk of sunburn, avoid exposure to sunlight when applying Retino A cream.

Tips for using Tretinoin Cream

The biggest tip to remember while using a Tretinoin preparation is to be consistent. Consistency plays a key role when it comes to effectively treating acne. Skipping application will delay the results and cause your acne to appear back. With regular and consistent use, you will be able to see the fastest results. You may need to have patience as the topical therapy takes time before a noticeable improvement in your skin. You may need to wait for several weeks sometimes a bit more to see effects. Don’t attempt to slather on more medication or apply more often than advised by your dermatologist. By applying more medication, you will only increase your chances of getting annoying side effects and it won’t clear up your acne any faster. Moreover, during the treatment, you may get new breakouts, so at the time there is no need to panic. As the treatment passes several weeks, breakouts will slowly become fewer. If you are not able to see improvement in your acne even after using it for the recommended time period, it is the time to see your dermatologist.

Can Tretinoin cause problems?

Along with their useful effects, a tretinoin formulation can cause unwanted side effects although not everyone gets them. Some of the most common ones associated with creams containing Tretinoin are redness, dry skin, skin peeling, itching, and irritation. you will find a full list from your dermatologist. These unwanted effects often improve as your body eventually adjusts to the topical treatment. In case of persistent trouble, speak to your dermatologist.


Retinoids are widely used in skin medication and play a key role in treating skin issues, not just limited not acne. These are used as the first line treatment for many different skin conditions, and the treatment regime should be based on the individual’s condition. Tretinoin should be best used under a dermatologist’s supervision. Results may vary; some individuals may experience better effects than others with retinoid therapy. It is important not to forget that overuse could contribute to chronic skin dryness discoloration and irritation. If you experience any of these side effects, immediately speak to your dermatologist. Appropriate use may minimize its irritative effects.

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