Careprost with Brush 3 ml. (0.03%)

SKU 126
Strength 3 ml. (0.03%)
Generic Name Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution
Manufacturer Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
Pack Size Qty Price Per Pill or Unit Price Cart
1 Bottle (with Brush) US$ 26.50 US$ 26.50
3 Bottle (with Brush) US$ 19.83 US$ 59.5025%US$ 79.50
6 Bottle (with Brush) US$ 17.50 US$ 105.0034%US$ 159.00
10 Bottle (with Brush) US$ 16.40 US$ 164.0038%US$ 265.00
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Bimatoprost is an effective substance of Careprost recommended for treating primary open-angle glaucoma. This formulation comes in a small bottle to use/apply as eye drops. The active ingredient, Bimatoprost, is a remedy against eye diseases like glaucoma. One of the side effects of the medicine was that patients obtained longer, thicker, and darker eyelashes. Since then, researchers have reformulated the product widely used to stimulate eyelash growth. This positive effect of the medicine makes it well-known in the cosmetic industry. Choose to buy careprost with brush 3 ml. (0.03%) or without a brush as you need.

Careprost serum is mainly indicated for treating glaucoma and hypotrichosis (a condition where a person does not have enough hair or eyelashes). It helps you achieve longer eyelashes that become noticeably darker and thicker. This inexpensive eyelash solution is very affordable and easy to apply.



Precautions and warnings

This inexpensive solution (Bimatoprost Ophthalmic solution) can interact with some drugs. The user should inform a physician about all medications you may take to avoid unwanted side effects.

  • Do not apply Careoprost 0.03% if you wear contact lenses; you should remove your contact lenses before using Careprost.
  • The eye drop should not be used if you are known to demonstrate hypersensitivity towards Bimatoprost and its other ingredients.
  • This eyelash serum should be avoided by women who intend to become pregnant or breastfeeding during pregnancy.

Talk to your doctor to learn more about Bimatoprost in your case.


Careprost Side effects:

The side effects of Careprost 3 ml may include itchiness, dry eyes, conjunctival hyperemia, ocular irritations, eyelid inflammation, discoloration of the eye, a dizzy sensation, and discomfort in the eye.

Patients should immediately consult or visit the nearest healthcare care center if the above symptoms persist or are bothersome.

Don’t forget to get a doctor’s prescription before you make a final purchase of this formulation. Grab online deals and buy Careprost at low prices. 



How to use Careprost?

  1. For eyelash growth: Careprost with brush 3 ml (0.03%) is easy to apply and should only be applied once daily. A brush or an applicator will be given with your purchase. Put one drop of the drug on the tip of the brush and apply it on your upper eyelid (upper edge of an eyelash). Repeat the procedure with the other eyelash edge as well. It should not be applied to the bottom eyelid. Do this exercise once daily at night for at least four months.

Points to take care of before application:

  • If you wear contact lenses, you must remove them before applying the product.
  • Try to apply the ophthalmic solution evenly on both eyes; otherwise, you can observe differences in the thickness and length of the eyelashes.
  • Do not drop this solution on other skin areas, which may cause unwanted hair growth.
  • You should not discontinue this treatment once you have obtained your desired growth. To maintain the desired results, use this twice weekly to prevent your eyelashes from reverting to their natural length.
  1. For Glaucoma:The dosage and application method depends on factors such as age and severity of the condition. It is usually recommended to put one drop daily.

Your eyelash condition has a higher chance of returning to the previous stage when you stop using Careprost 0.03% - 3ml.

Careprost with Brush 3 ml. (0.03%)
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