Silverex Ionic Gel 20gm

Description Silver Nitrate Gel
SKU 999
Generic For Silver Nitrate Gel
Strength 20gm
Generic Name Silver Nitrate Gel
Manufacturer Rexcin Pharmaceuticals
Pack Size Qty Price Per Pill or Unit Price Cart
1 Tube/s US$ 3.15 US$ 3.15
3 Tube/s US$ 3.15 US$ 9.44
6 Tube/s US$ 3.15 US$ 18.88
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Silver Nitrate Gel

 Silver Nitrate Gel is a topical solution prescribed for treating burns and wound infections of the skin. It works as an anti-infective agent on the affected skin area as it contains free silver ions. Silver Nitrate has effective antimicrobial properties that kill microorganisms by blocking their respiratory enzyme system as soon as you apply this topical solution on your skin. The cream has no toxic effect on the skin, and it also helps in reducing the inflammation associated with burns and wounds. This medicine comes in different strength forms; your doctor will prescribe the strength considering the severity of your skin condition to promote faster healing. It is an effective solution that works on all types of burns, wounds, cuts, and stitches. The expert also found its efficacy good enough in treating post-surgical wounds as well. 

 Usage Instructions

Silver Nitrate gel used only for external skin purposes; it is applied on burns and wounds to treat the condition. Wash your hands and use gloves before the application. Your doctor may also prescribe an applicator in a combination of this medicine so that you can apply it on the affected skin area easily. Clean your wound or infected area with a wound cleanser. Take a sufficient quantity of a topical solution so that it should cover an affected skin area properly, apply it for at least 24 hours or as suggested by your physician. Wash your hands after the application is over, and keep in mind that your eyes do not come in contact with this gel, in case it comes then wash your eyes thoroughly with running water. The ointment also acts as a barrier on the skin to stop bleeding from minor wounds. Apply the cream carefully as it can burn the unaffected skin area if applied mistakenly. 


Inform your physician if you are allergic to any of the ingredient of this medicine. Do not use this ointment for a longer period. This medicine should not be used by pregnant women or breastfeeding moms. Apply it cautiously if you have a thin or delicate skin. Prolong application of this cream can produce skin pigmentation and scars. Keep the ointment away from eyes, nose, and mouth.

Side Effects of Silver Nitrate Gel 20 mg

Silver Nitrate Gel shows no or minor side effects if you are using it under the supervision of a medical professional. The common side effects of this ointment are reported as skin pigmentation and scars, irritation, burning sensation, and blood disorder. Consult with your physician for additional medical advice keeping in mind your skin sensitivity or any other existing treatment you may are taking.  

Silverex Ionic Gel 20gm
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