Women's Health

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Women and men share many similar health issues, but women have their own health issues, that deserve special consideration. We can see that the field of women's health has lagged far behind and it is one of the most important areas in which women encounter many risks. It is very essential that women take good care of their own bodies and comprehend how they can maximize their personal health and fitness. It is also very helpful that men understand this too and are supportive of the health concerns of the women.

Gynecology is the primary branch of medical science concerned with health issues of women. The word "gynecology" consists of "gyneco," meaning "woman," and "logic," meaning "knowledge." When taken together, it means "woman knowledge.”

It is essential that every woman has access to knowledge related to the entire spectrum of women's health problems, and not just about her reproductive system.

The Female Reproductive System

Female reproductive system plays a very important role throughout the life of a woman. The reproductive system of women includes the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, and external genitalia. The breasts can be also included, even though, in technical terms, they are not part of the reproductive system. The breasts play a major role in pregnancy and motherhood. Although the primary function of the reproductive system is to conceive and bear a child, a female's reproductive system makes a major contribution to her womanhood. Due to the complexity of the reproductive system, women experience a number of problems ranging from yeast infections of the vagina to fibroids of the uterus or cysts of the ovary. If a woman is to make informed choices about her health care, she must understand her reproductive system well. 

Fertility and birth control-

Fertility is the ability to bear children. Most women use some method of birth control in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Generally, the use of birth control is the responsibility of both sexual partners, and the choice of any birth control method should be a joint decision. In reality, the ultimate responsibility for birth control lies more often with the woman. Her choices include oral contraceptives, cervical caps, rhythm methods, spermicides, diaphragms and contraceptive implants.Every woman who wishes to use birth control needs to decide which method is best for her. She must also determine which methods protect her most against sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection and AIDS.

Drugs for Birth Control

Women's health drug for birth control comes in:

1.      Combination Pill

This pill is a tablet that contains two female hormones (oestrogen and progesterone). These hormones in pill stop a woman from ovulating (releasing an egg each month). There are many different brands of pills available in the market or online stores with different combinations of hormones. Your gynecologist will assess what contraceptive option is best for you.


  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Not suitable for women with conditions such as high blood pressure, migraine and smokers over 35.
  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections

2.      Hormonal Pill

The hormonal pill is also known as the mini pill. It works mainly by preventing sperm from getting through the cervix. It also thins the lining of the womb thereby preventing an egg from implanting and being released. It is important to talk to your doctor who will suggest what contraceptive option is best for you.


  • It  may cause irregular bleeding
  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections
  • This hormonal pill must be taken at the same time every day. Other contraception may be required if pills are taken more than 3 hours late.


Viagra for women

Viagra has been tried as a treatment for sexual dysfunction in women. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved this use of women’s Viagra. Indeed, until now there was no FDA-approved drugs/medicine for treating sexual desire problems in women, yet 4 in 10 women report having sexual concerns. An FDA approved prescription medication known as flibanserin (Addyi) originally developed as an antidepressant, has been invented as a treatment for low sexual desire in premenopausal women.

This daily pill, Addyi may boost sex drive in those women who experience low sexual desire and who find it distressing experience. Generally, serious side effects include fainting, low blood pressure, and dizziness, particularly if the drug is mixed with alcohol. Experts recommend that you should stop taking the drug if you don't notice an improvement in your sex drive after 2 months.

Female sexual response is really complex. For most women, sexual problems may be due to difficulties with arousal, a lack of desire or both. There are many factors that can influence a woman's sexual desire. For example:

  • Many women find that the daily life stresses deplete their desire for sex.
  • Imbalance in sexual desire may coincide with the beginning or end of a relationship or any major life changes, like pregnancy or menopause.
  • According to some women, orgasm can be elusive, causing concerns or preoccupations that defeat interest in sex.
  • Experts say that desire is connected to a woman's sense of intimacy with her partner, as well her past experiences.

If you're experiencing changes or difficulties in sexual intercourse, consult your doctor. In most cases, medications, hormones, creams, clitoral stimulating products or other treatments are very helpful. Gynecologist can recommend the best women's health drugs or possible way out to treat women health issues.


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